Jamming with Lannie
Jamming with Lannie is a social opportunity for individuals, over the age of 23, of all abilities to get together and make music.
Participants are encouraged to bring their instruments, and their voices, for a shared musical experience.
We have some instruments and song books in our music library to share if you would like to participate and don’t own an instrument. Please note: personal instruments brought by participants are not intended for sharing.
Have instruments you no longer use? Any donations to our instrument library are much appreciated.
Not a player but a music admirer? Come on down for an evening of entertainment; more fun to be had with an audience!
Facilitators: LeeAnn Rose and Susan Kellock
Duration: September – December/February - May
Day: 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month
Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Cost: $5 per person
Location: Trusting Hands Inclusive Center
Refreshments will be provided.
*50% of fees collected will be allocated to the PEERS Relational Skills Program Moose Jaw Inc. sponsorship program
For more information or to register, contact us.​